What's my story ?

Photo by Alfred Twj on Unsplash
Photo by Alfred Twj on Unsplash

The main goal of this post is to give you a short intro about myself. It should serve as an informal catch-up with those of you, who don’t know me that well yet 🙂.

Hopefully, this will give you a better understanding of the content I am going to put out and the ideas I am going to express.

The present in a nutshell

I am a 26 years old Indian based in Bangalore , Karnataka, my hometown is from Jalandhar , Punjab. A lot of different cultures in one sentence, right ?

Currently, I work at Zestmoney, as a SDE-2.

What about my free time ?

I like to choose activities which add value to the world, be that to someone else or to me. I try to refrain from things which drain my energy, make me feel bad or does not align with my long term vision. I fail at this sometimes though, but I am trying my best.

I really enjoy reading, usually non-fiction, for example. If a book catches my attention, I will put it on my list, no matter the topic. However, my favorites are about psychology, business, self-improvement, coding, finance, history, and health. I like to read only one book at a time and learn about the given topic from a couple of different sources.

Final thoughts

Want to know more about me? Don’t be shy and reach out to me on any of the socials listed on the homepage. I am always up for interesting discussions!

Thanks for reading! 🙏

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