Hi, I'm Navdeep 👋

Software Engineer

I am a developer and a dreamer, passionate about freeing up energy through code and healthy habits. Reach out, if you are looking for someone who actually cares about the product impact and likes to closely work with business and product teams.

Have something worthwhile to do with your life, apart from your job. Do something constructive for this world.
Reach out to me on your favorite social :)

Latest Posts ⌛️

Mistakes To Avoid On Fitness Journey

A compilation of mistakes people tend to do during their fitness journey.

Summary of "Mindshift"

This post is a weekwise summary of very famous Coursera course "Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential" by Barbara Oa

How I Managed And Scheduled My Distractions

I'm sharing the efforts I have put to reduce distractions while studying/working

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What's my story ?

This post will give you a better understanding of the content I am going to put out and the ideas I am going to express.

Hello World!

Welcome to the first post on my blog.

Reach out to me on your favorite social :)developed using gatsbyJs